All original due dates have come and gone. At first they said July 13, then the 11th, then the 9th, then the 1st. As each came and went, we thought we would just wait for the next. Sophie was getting really big in there and I was getting really big right along with her. Two weeks past due from what we thought, on July 14, Mommy had her first labor pains that seemed to be consistent. At about noon , they seemed to be 1 hr apart and pretty dull cramping that came from around the lower back toward the front. Eric, being in previews, had rehearsals all day and the show to do that night. Since it was still very early and I wasn't sure it was true labor, I didn't want him to worry. I went to Macy's with Mia (Grandmom Morabito) and Grandma Petersen, bought a birthday gift for my friend, Leslie and ate some yummy cupcakes to take my mind off of wondering if today was indeed the day. The Petersens were going to eat and going to the show with friends that night. By the time they left for dinner, my contractions were a regular 30 minutes apart and slightly more intense. Now, I felt I knew that the time was truly approaching, but I knew she wouldn't come until Eric's show was over so I eagerly waited until he was done with his show, so he could celebrate the news of labor. By the time Eric got home, around midnight, the contractions were a regular 10 minutes apart and bearable, but quite painful. By 4 a.m., they were a textbook 5 minutes apart. It was time to go to the hospital!!! I asked Eric to check the hospital bag and make sure we had everything. When he did, he found the IPad I got for him and was so thrilled. What better new dad and show opening present is there to show off baby pics? Besides a baby, of course. So we headed for a cab. Our cab driver informed us that we had the luck of catching the Serenading Cabby and proceeded to... well, serenade us with a song of what he called "Sweet Love." Just when we thought he was just making up a wacky song, the back up track came in and he finished just as we rolled up to the hospital door. We were admitted right away into triage. It was a very busy night, so we didn't get into a room until 11:30 a.m. By that time, contractions were 2 minutes apart and off the charts on the machine. Baby was doing great, Mommy was in pain, and Daddy was doing a great job holding Mommy's hand and breathing. Once in the delivery room, it still took another couple hours to get the epidural, but it did come and didn't hurt at all in light of the contraction pain. From that point, things went really fast. It seemed like one minute I was at 3 cm and the next minute I was at 9 cm. At 5:12, Sophia Marie Petersen arrived in this world at 8lbs. 7oz, 20 and 1/2 inches. She is perfect!!! Mia, Grandma and Leslie Diamond were all there for the event along with Mommy and Daddy!
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