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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sophie's Schedule

I have found that people are always wondering what Sophie's schedule is like. Whether it's if they are baby-sitting for her or it's just conversation, it comes up. This week Baby Center had a bunch of examples of baby schedules and so I thought writing hers down might give our friends and fam an idea of what her day looks like. Here 'tis.

8:00. Wake up and play in crib
8:30. Sophie gets rescued from her crib and gives sleepy morning hugs.
(When we are in a 1-room hotel room, Soph and Mommy jet to the lobby or hotel resturaunt until her first nap, at 10:30.)
9:00. Breakfast. Sophie eats a baby size yogurt or 3/4 of an adult size along with about 3 to 4 ounces of water.
9:30-10:30. Get Soph dressed for the day. Soph sits on floor and plays with toys.
10:30-11:30. Soph gets 8 ounces of milk in a cup and takes a nap.
11:30-12:30. Floor time.
12:30. Lunch time. Soph eats a jar of veggies and drinks a few ounces of water.
1:00-2:30pm. Try to go for a walk or at least get out for a change of scenery.
2:30-4pm: 8 ounces of milk in a cup and down for 2nd nap.
4-5pm: Play time.
5pm: very important snack. Half of a jar of food (usually a fruit) and some baby rice crackers.
5:15-6:15pm fresh air walk or change of scenery.
6:15-7pm. Play time.
7:00-7:30pm dinner. One meat jar and some oatmeal, along with water.
7:30-8pm. books
8pm. bath
8:15pm. songs, lotion, prayers, 8 ounce cup of milk (she gets this cup in her crib). The cup is then replaced with her paci.
8:30pm. Lights Out.

P.S. Sophie is now 8 months old, as of the 15th. Wow! Time flies when you're having fun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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