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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tempe, AZ.

Kokopelli: the flute player.  3,000 yrs old.  They universal symbol of fertility for all life,  be it crops, hopes, dreams,& love.  This is the guys that is dancing on all the trinkets and whatnots from AZ.  He's sort of the mascot of the state.

We miss the Milahey Family....

     Today, I added a New Years Resolution.  We are going to hang our with the Abraham family more often.  I'm going to put more effort into it.  Joe Abraham is a swing in Shrek and his wife, Christine, and their 1-yr-old son, Cole, are traveling with the company.  Both of them are with my agent in NYC.  It had been a bit difficult to aline our schedules before, because Soph and Cole were on very different schedules.  Coles bedtime was very early and Sophie's was very late.  As Sophie is approaching the six month mark, her schedule has been creeping up earlier and earlier.  We now have a 8pm bedtime, 8am wake up, 10:30-11:30 morning nap, 2-4 afternoon nap.  We are changing time zones very quickly now, so we will see how all that holds up in this wash.  It looks like we'll be hoping time zones 8x's in 8 weeks.  Never underestimate Sophie though.  I've found her to be quite the trooper.

       Went for a walk to explore with Sophie.  We found Starbucks!!! Came back and went to the gym for an hour while Sophie slept and Daddy worked on emails.  Walked to Chilli's for lunch.  (With no kitchen, we'll be eating out a lot here.  I take half home to have for dinner.  Did I mention that the Tempe Mission Palms is an awesome hotel?)  Her hair was super fuzzy this morning.  It stuck up straight today.  More like fur on her head than hair.  She has a handful of long strands that are mixed in there.  Eric went to get his hair cut and to the theatre and I came back to have play time with Christine and Cole.  We spent a few hours with them and had so much fun! I think Sophie really likes watching him!  It was good for me to have another baby momma around too.  We came back to the room for our bath, bottle, bedtime.  SOPHIE GARGLED!!!! She found she could make this new sound and kept doing it for like 10 minutes while lying on the bed.  She's awesome!  And the child is down for the count.  I'm crossing my fingers tonight.  We are in a hotel room.  So, just one room, with the crib in the corner.  I've got the sound machine set up and going over there in hopes that it will mask the sound of Eric coming in and getting ready for bed.  Here's hopin'!

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