What a week! I felt like we were just keeping our head above water. With all that treading water, there were scarce seconds in the day left for a blog. Taking care of a baby is a lot ( mostly fun), taking care of a sick baby is a lot more (not so fun), taking care of a sick baby and a husband who has a concussion and a upper respiratory infection all on top of having bronchitis myself and traveling thru the snow 15 hrs every 6 days for 3 wks straight has really tested my patience. And by tested my patience, I mean I am about to have a complete breakdown. I was literally walking around a hotel room with a baby on my hip saying "I need help" out loud. My sanity has had a slow bleed and I don't think there is much, if any, left. I'm so tired of researching doctors and pharmacies in each city. If I did not believe in God or that everything happens for a reason, I would have been a complete mess days ago. It's the only thing getting me thru. This last wk, Miguel's (Sophie's godfather) dad died unexpectedly and a few tragic baby deaths weighed heavy on our hearts. A lot of sadness to mix into the mess we have been in. Eric was in and out of the show every other day this week. He would feel like he was well enough to do the show and then be right back where he started after. One step forward, two steps back. Luckily, this wk Soph has been on the upswing. She was still sleeping in the car seat most of the week, because she was not able to breathe/sleep while laying flat. The last few days. She has slept flat in her crib. When Eric was home, I insisted he sleep/rest, cause he wasn't any good to us or the show in the state he was in and there are really no sick days in theatre. You don't work, you don't get paid. Every night when soph went to bed, I did the normal clean up routine I do, but also cloroxed everything she touched...stroller, toy pieces, remotes, phones tables, handles. We have to stop this superbug! Every morning Soph and I headed down to breakfast, where we would normally eat with cast members Benjamin (Papa Vear) and Shaun (swing). By the end of the wk Soph was so excited to get in her stroller and head down to hang with the guys that she would lean forward in the seat a smile and rock back and forth. It was adorable! Leslie (Sophie's godmother) paid us a visit on Thursday for the day. It was great to see her...such a welcome relief to have a friend around.

The Milahey Family...Tracy, Steven, Maddie, and Kenzie (Soph's BFF) came to our room for a visit Friday morning.

Eric was out again on Friday, but really wanted to be back by Saturday because we had people coming in from the city all weekend. Saturday morning I got a call from Tracy, who felt terrible to tell me that Kenzie came down with strep throat last night, so I should keep an eye on Soph. It's very rare in children Sophie's age and she was still on an antibiotic from before, so we are just praying she doesn't get it. Eric did go in on Saturday so he could be there for the Hurley family. They came by for a visit after the show and the girls were as adorable as ever.

That night though, I started calling all the people who had planned to come on Sunday to CT because Eric said he could barely get thru the show on Sat. night. With no voice left and the sickness not letting up, we cancelled our plans with everyone on Sunday and drove into the city that night.

We had planned to see friends, but ended up just holing up and trying to get better. On Monday we visited my agent and had lunch with Eric's agent. Eric also spent some time putting together a video for Miguel's dad's funeral. The next morning, Eric left early for Buffalo. David Vaughn drive with him the 8 hrs. Soph and I headed to the airport for a much needed break. Traveling with. 68 lb. suitcase, a stroller, a diaper bag, and a baby by yourself coming out of a building with no elevator may seem like insanity to some, but I am truly getting very adept at these things. Narrow stairs are no match for a determined mommy. Soph was a dream on yet another flight. She's such a pro. Once we got into my grandparents car, my armor cracked and I was able to release some tension with a good cry. It's so good to be here with my family, who are all not only willing, but wanting to help. Was able to go back to the doc myself once in FL, to find my bronchitis is far from gone. Antibiotics...round two. Taking Soph back in for a check up too. We want to really kick this thing. Spoke with Eric and he's feeling really well, so that's great. One down, two to go!
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