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Monday, February 28, 2011

The Sunshine State

Being in Florida has truly put us into a sunshine state. Soph and I have both been able to get well and be loved on here in Florida. Sadly, I cannot say the same for Eric. He is mid-round on another antibiotic and struggling with a relapse of bronchitis. This bug has almost squashed us completely. It is truly a super bug. Dun,dun,dun!!!! After missing a weekend of shows, Eric is hoping that he has recovered enough to go back into the show. He opens tonight in Cleveland and we are praying that now that he is on these meds, he can continue to get well and not be completely knocked out by doing a show. When I spoke to him earlier today, he sounded much better, but he had a long way to go. Much better coming from horrible leaves you at surviving. We are shooting for something a little more comfortable than that. Sophie has grown so much in a week. They aren't lying when they say, "Don't blink.". She has been trying to crawl for wks now. Up on all fours and rocking has been a favorite past time, but now she's doing it in her sleep. Literally! It started with her waking in the morning and rolling over to her tummy. Then to the tummy during diaper changes. Now to the tummy and all fours in the middle of the night. It's almost as if she is sleep walking, except she's sleep rocking. She rolls to her tummy, gets on all fours, starts a rockin', and a few minutes later is crying...eyes closed, stuck on all fours. She finally figured out how to get herself back to her face up position on her own, but I did have to lend a hand the first time. Even I, as an adult, get disoriented and can't think straight in the middle of the night, I'm sure Soph, as a 7-month-old gets out of sorts at 4 a.m. when she discovers she's on her hands and knees. With Eric still sick and Soph and I freshly recovered, we extended our Florida trip to Thursday. It is nice to have help with Soph, so I have a chance to do things like exercise and go to eye doctors, dentists, etc. The family being around us has been such a gift this week. They run baths, make bottles, play with Soph and let me take a nap or exercise, and always help make sure we have something to eat. I'm sure all new moms know the difference it makes to have more than two hands. Not having to spend every down second prepping for the next feeding, washing bottles, and organizing suitcases has been a welcome break and allows me to enjoy her more. The best part is, they are loving every minute of it. We are so grateful Sophie has so many people that love her immeasurably in her life. There is no greater gift. One more great Sophie story about this week. We took her to the Mall at Millenia this week and she could not get enough of the fountain (She is also obsessed with the fountain in downtown Winter Garden too). From her stroller she would wave and say, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.," to all the people coming into the mall. And if they wouldn't say hi, she'd let them know she didn't like it with a little exasperated look and a huff. But she kept bouncing back with a heartfelt, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.," to the next approaching stranger. She's just adorable and gets cuter every day.

P.S. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Eric's health.

Papa Joe plays with Soph.

Great-Granddaddy shows Soph how to look like a sailor.

Soph enjoys her toys at Mia and Papa Joe's house.

She loved hearing the musicians play in the coffee shop in downtown Winter Garden called Axum. (There is lots of care put into this yummy coffee place. Heavenly Toffee Coffee is sooo good. Get it! All the proceeds from this chill place go to produce fresh water in the African city, which is the namesake.)

Tia and Uncle Trey won with this new doorway bouncer. She loves spinning, swinging, and bouncing!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Point Break

What a week! I felt like we were just keeping our head above water. With all that treading water, there were scarce seconds in the day left for a blog. Taking care of a baby is a lot ( mostly fun), taking care of a sick baby is a lot more (not so fun), taking care of a sick baby and a husband who has a concussion and a upper respiratory infection all on top of having bronchitis myself and traveling thru the snow 15 hrs every 6 days for 3 wks straight has really tested my patience. And by tested my patience, I mean I am about to have a complete breakdown. I was literally walking around a hotel room with a baby on my hip saying "I need help" out loud. My sanity has had a slow bleed and I don't think there is much, if any, left. I'm so tired of researching doctors and pharmacies in each city. If I did not believe in God or that everything happens for a reason, I would have been a complete mess days ago. It's the only thing getting me thru. This last wk, Miguel's (Sophie's godfather) dad died unexpectedly and a few tragic baby deaths weighed heavy on our hearts. A lot of sadness to mix into the mess we have been in. Eric was in and out of the show every other day this week. He would feel like he was well enough to do the show and then be right back where he started after. One step forward, two steps back. Luckily, this wk Soph has been on the upswing. She was still sleeping in the car seat most of the week, because she was not able to breathe/sleep while laying flat. The last few days. She has slept flat in her crib. When Eric was home, I insisted he sleep/rest, cause he wasn't any good to us or the show in the state he was in and there are really no sick days in theatre. You don't work, you don't get paid. Every night when soph went to bed, I did the normal clean up routine I do, but also cloroxed everything she touched...stroller, toy pieces, remotes, phones tables, handles. We have to stop this superbug! Every morning Soph and I headed down to breakfast, where we would normally eat with cast members Benjamin (Papa Vear) and Shaun (swing). By the end of the wk Soph was so excited to get in her stroller and head down to hang with the guys that she would lean forward in the seat a smile and rock back and forth. It was adorable! Leslie (Sophie's godmother) paid us a visit on Thursday for the day. It was great to see her...such a welcome relief to have a friend around.

The Milahey Family...Tracy, Steven, Maddie, and Kenzie (Soph's BFF) came to our room for a visit Friday morning.

Eric was out again on Friday, but really wanted to be back by Saturday because we had people coming in from the city all weekend. Saturday morning I got a call from Tracy, who felt terrible to tell me that Kenzie came down with strep throat last night, so I should keep an eye on Soph. It's very rare in children Sophie's age and she was still on an antibiotic from before, so we are just praying she doesn't get it. Eric did go in on Saturday so he could be there for the Hurley family. They came by for a visit after the show and the girls were as adorable as ever.

That night though, I started calling all the people who had planned to come on Sunday to CT because Eric said he could barely get thru the show on Sat. night. With no voice left and the sickness not letting up, we cancelled our plans with everyone on Sunday and drove into the city that night.

We had planned to see friends, but ended up just holing up and trying to get better. On Monday we visited my agent and had lunch with Eric's agent. Eric also spent some time putting together a video for Miguel's dad's funeral. The next morning, Eric left early for Buffalo. David Vaughn drive with him the 8 hrs. Soph and I headed to the airport for a much needed break. Traveling with. 68 lb. suitcase, a stroller, a diaper bag, and a baby by yourself coming out of a building with no elevator may seem like insanity to some, but I am truly getting very adept at these things. Narrow stairs are no match for a determined mommy. Soph was a dream on yet another flight. She's such a pro. Once we got into my grandparents car, my armor cracked and I was able to release some tension with a good cry. It's so good to be here with my family, who are all not only willing, but wanting to help. Was able to go back to the doc myself once in FL, to find my bronchitis is far from gone. Antibiotics...round two. Taking Soph back in for a check up too. We want to really kick this thing. Spoke with Eric and he's feeling really well, so that's great. One down, two to go!

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Of The NY Visitors

Soph helped daddy with his work this morning.

Then Elena G. came out to visit us in Hartford today from the city. It's relatively close to the city, but still a 2&1/2 hr ride. Elena did Mamma Mia with me in Vegas. We had a good time visiting and made a trip to the Whole Foods. They put a PAID sticker on our coffee and gave us one for Soph too. They don't know what they started, cause now everyone thinks that Whole Foods sells cute babies.

Elena and Soph buying coffee at Whole Foods.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Be My Valentine!

Prepare yourselves for the best Valentine ever. Drumroll Please... Here she is folks. The one and only Sophia Marie Petersen.

Thank you. We think so too. She is the cutest baby ever!

So, after many days of scaring the daylights out of her mommy, Sophie is starting to feel more like herself. The past two days we have spent traveling to Hartford, CT from Lansing Michigan. Eric, as you all know, was still very sick on Sunday and not able to do the show. We were then able to leave a bit early to start our trip back East. The quickest route took us thru Canada. Sophie's first visit to another country. We just trailed above the Great Lakes and entered the U.S. again around Buffalo.

Sophie had a good time watching Elmo Loves You on daddy's IPad! We have a case that hooks it to the headrest, front or back. Pretty sweet and perfect for a backwards facing carseat.

We stopped for the night in Syracuse. It was a freezing cold room and Soph was not happy about it. However, when it is negative whatever degrees outside, you have to weigh out whether it's better to try another hotel at a late hour or wait and see if we can warm up the room. The room got a bit warmer, but we were headed out pretty early to Hartford. The trip today was pretty easy. I did most of the driving on this trip as we wanted Eric to get his rest for the show and his sickness was kind of creating as we traveled. As we are driving I'm getting emails and messages about our new subletters in NYC, who are unhappy because they can't figure out the router and the feather top mattress topper is giving them a rash. They think it's dust mites and want to throw out our topper. Oh yes, the joys of subletting. Well anyway, we are in Hartford now and our room is great. There is a door to the bedroom and Soph is sleeping soundly. Eric and I ordered Chinese for dinner. Yum Yum!!!!! Happy Valentines Day and Goodnight. P.S. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for our health and patient with us not returning phone calls or emails over the last few days. You are our friends and family and you rock!
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Friday, February 11, 2011


Woke up. Felt like poo. Rescued Sophie from her crib. She seemed happy. Woke up daddy. He felt like poo. Called Sarah to babysit. Sarah came over. We went to Urgent Care. Got an email from Leslie (our close friend, Soph's godmother and realtor helping us sublease out our apt. in NYC). Said we needed to refax an approval paper for new sublet and get deposit check back to old sublet ASAP! All things we put on the back burner (being that we are all sick and haven't had a bank in the city we have been in for weeks) are now urgent on a Friday. Oops. Got diagnosed with bronchitis and Eric with an Upper Respiratory Infection. Drove to a Rite Aid and dropped off prescriptions. There's a Chase Bank across the street. Opened an account. Got a bank check. Picked up meds. Ate at Panera next door and took meds. Post office to mail check. Stopped at American Apparel to pick up Valentine's present:). Home to Soph. Send fax to Leslie. Love Sophie. We are not supposed to kiss on her because they said we could spread germs. Eric is a little better than me. I sound like the love child of Tara Ried and Harvey Fierstein. Hoping Eric can squash it before it gets there for him. Soph was much better today. There was a marked improvement. By this evening we heard and felt no rattling in her chest and back. Her nose stopped up in the afternoon, but after a nebulizer treatment and some bulb in the nose action, she felt much better. She was showing signs of her happy-go-lucky self. Here's a pic of her making funny faces with Eric.

She talked herself to sleep tonight and although it took a while for her to tire herself out, she seems happy and is breathing well. Now, to get mommy and daddy better. The whole family being in antibiotics should get us in the clear soon.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kids First Clinic in East Lansing

Oh so tired. We took Soph back in to a different doc here in East Lansing today. They could not believe that the doc on Sun morning didn't give us any take home steroids. That is neither here nor there, at this point. Soph is having trouble breathing and cannot eat or drink today. They used a nebulizer on her and took x-rays. They found fluid in her lungs. The doc prescribed a steroid, a antibiotic, ad an inhaler. Soph hated the nebulizer while it was happening, but felt much better afterward. She was even able to take an entire bottle. Yay! Praise God! We dropped Eric at the theatre at 5, went to get her meds, and Sarah Peak was the kind soul that helped me get everything inside. Then she helped me with Soph's first dose of medicine. I was so grateful for an extra set of hands and Soph was happy to be distracted by someone else.
PS. I am super sick also, but a cold/laryngitis is nothin' to a mommy.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

East Lansing, MI and Sophie vs. The Croup

After a "comedy of errors"-like mishap with our keys this morning, our trip got a late start. The weather was on our side and so was Roberta (our GPS navigator.) We made it to East Lansing just in time for Eric's sound check at the theatre. Phew! Soph did good on the trip as far as her demeanor, but she wasn't able to eat very well. It's difficult to eat and drink when your all stopped up. I get it! She didn't have any coughing spells on the way here, but once bedtime rolled around, the mucusy gunk showed up for the party. Once we got to the hotel, which, sidenote: TownPlace Suites has an awesome set-up. This set-up is going to make our life so much easier this wk. There is a door!!!!! A door separates the sitting area from the bedroom! Yay! Soph sleeps more soundly, mommy gets to unwind for a minute during her naps, and daddy doesn't have to tiptoe his way in after the show. All good things. Back to our regular programming...where was I? Oh, yes...once we got to the hotel, we were able to do all the things on the doc's to-do list. Steam showers, bundled-cold-air walks, etc. She seemed great and I laid her in her crib for the night, but about an hour in she awoke with an unbelievable stuffy nose. I was able to get some of it out. Big green blobs that were beginning to drain out...poor baby. I wanted to get her car seat because I felt she might sleep better in that for one more night, for drainage purposes. With no one to stay with Soph while I ran to the car or vica-versa, I waited a few more inconsolable minutes and began "the bundle." I got her in the stroller and rolled her hurting cry down to the car. Let me just say, the 5 doors you have to go through to get to the car were not exactly the easiest doors to open with one hand and push the stroller thru with the other and have a carseat in the other hand on the 5-door-thruway return trip, can't win 'em all. Once we got back in the room, set up the car seat and re-aligned the monitor and whatnot, she was able to get back to sleep a few minutes later. Even with the monitor, I keep going to check her. I worry about her little nose and cough, but with Teddy in one hand and Bunny in the other, she's well protected. I heard they are very good at fighting off the croup.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Family Dinner at Portillo's

Drove to Chicago today. Met the family at Portillo's for dinner.

We got to meet cousin Chris's 3 wk old baby Paxton. He's adorable.

After dinner, we went to Aunt Pat and Uncle Mark's, played a family board game, and stayed the night there.

Soph shows Cousin Scott who's boss.

Uncle Dave helps out with a feeding.

Cousin Jack entertains Soph!

Artwork for Eric, by Jack:)
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sophie Sunday

Well, Sophie felt left out because we went to the hospital without her. At about 1am she woke up coughing and couldn't go back to sleep. Her condition was seeming worse, so we headed to the Children's Hospital at about 1:45am. Our doctor at the hospital was great and they had us in and out in an hour. They diagnosed her as having a mild case of croup, gave her some steroid drops, and gave us directions to continue our steam, humidifier, Tylenol regimen. Other things they advised us to do included bundling her up and taking her on a walk so that she could breathe the cold air. Apparently, the Minneapolis cold acts like an ice pack on a strained throat. Who knew? They also advised that we let her sleep in the car seat to help her with drainage. She slept well until 8:30am and spent the day as a sweet, if slightly fussy, Sophia. Getting in 2 separate 2 hr naps was helpful in improving her condition today.

Eric was out of the show today, so we got to watch the Super Bowl together-kinda. Sophie enjoyed her daddy being around and was up for a game of catch before her 7:30 bedtime, but at about 6:30, she really started feeling lousy again. It was 9:30 before she really settled into a deep sleep. Poor baby. At least she is asleep for the time being. Favorite part of the Super Bowl so far?...the Doritos-Grandpa commercial. We are grateful for a relaxing day to recoup from Eric's concussion and Sophie's sickness. Praying that we can continue to be on the mend.
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Duck Season

The whole family had a cold today. We are in the thick of it now. Soph is such a trooper. She has a cough, but is still her smiley, happy self. Eric called out of the show tonight, hoping to stop the cold in it's tracks. We blew up the inflatable duck tub for Sophie's bath. You may not be able to tell from the pic here, but she was afraid of the giant duck and cried when we put her in it. I found it interesting that she loves a big green ogre, but is afraid if a giant duck. Well, there goes $11.95 down the drain:) I did feel bad that she was sad for her bath time. It is normally one of her most relaxing and fun times of the day.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We are all just a little bit sick around here. Sophie woke up this morning with a bit of a wet cough. Sort of croupy sounding. She had a bout of coughing when she woke up for the day and then again when she woke up from her first nap. I called the doc to get an assessment of whether or not we should bring her in. Their policy, along with all the baby med websites (baby center, kids health, web MD) all state that in order to bring them in they should have a fever over 101degrees, persistent for a week, and a decline in eating. Eric had press the first part of the day today, so we got some baby supplies and lunch when he came back. When he went to work, Anna came over so I could run to the car and get our humidifier and the baby first aid kit. Taking Soph with is not an option because it is 2 degrees out there and I can't exactly leave her in the room. So glad Anna was home tonight. She then helped me take Sophie's temp rectally. It helped to have someone there to distract her and hold down her legs. I'd never taken a rectal temperature before so I was very nervous, especially when I read you can perforate their rectum if you go a bit to far or they wiggle. Yikes! Got it...She has a slight temp of 99.1. After her bath, we did lotion and some baby rub (similar to Vicks) on her chest and the bottoms of her feet. She took her bedtime bottle and a bit of Tylenol and is now asleep. She's coughed a bit in her sleep at first, but I'm praying the humidifier, baby rub, and Tylenol will help. Spending the rest of the night disinfecting toys with wipes. Now to decongest mommy and daddy.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thank God...We Made It.

Thank you to all of you who were praying for us on our trip. We really felt like God had his hand on our car during the storm. We made it into Minneapolis from Nashville at around 4 a.m. From watching the weather, we knew that if we stopped, we would be stuck there for days. As a result of our safe arrival, today we gradually saw the color come back into our knuckles and got some rest. The snow here in Minneapolis is not too bad. It's extremely cold, but we don't have to face anymore storms this week! When Eric left for work, Sophie and I stopped by to hang out with Anna (Stevie's girlfriend, subs as a stage manager) for a bit. She is super sweet and we are going to try caravanning in the next big trip. Anna has been driving most of the tour alone because her boyfriend is always on the crew flight. She was able to leave in the morning on Sunday and missed most of the storm.

The next pic is for Aunt Ariana, whom we call Tia.

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