Thank you to all of you who were praying for us on our trip. We really felt like God had his hand on our car during the storm. We made it into Minneapolis from Nashville at around 4 a.m. From watching the weather, we knew that if we stopped, we would be stuck there for days. As a result of our safe arrival, today we gradually saw the color come back into our knuckles and got some rest. The snow here in Minneapolis is not too bad. It's extremely cold, but we don't have to face anymore storms this week! When Eric left for work, Sophie and I stopped by to hang out with Anna (Stevie's girlfriend, subs as a stage manager) for a bit. She is super sweet and we are going to try caravanning in the next big trip. Anna has been driving most of the tour alone because her boyfriend is always on the crew flight. She was able to leave in the morning on Sunday and missed most of the storm.

The next pic is for Aunt Ariana, whom we call Tia.

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Tia is smiling! And loves this baby to pieces! Glad you guys have had safe travels. Trey updates me every so often :)