Being in Florida has truly put us into a sunshine state. Soph and I have both been able to get well and be loved on here in Florida. Sadly, I cannot say the same for Eric. He is mid-round on another antibiotic and struggling with a relapse of bronchitis. This bug has almost squashed us completely. It is truly a super bug. Dun,dun,dun!!!! After missing a weekend of shows, Eric is hoping that he has recovered enough to go back into the show. He opens tonight in Cleveland and we are praying that now that he is on these meds, he can continue to get well and not be completely knocked out by doing a show. When I spoke to him earlier today, he sounded much better, but he had a long way to go. Much better coming from horrible leaves you at surviving. We are shooting for something a little more comfortable than that. Sophie has grown so much in a week. They aren't lying when they say, "Don't blink.". She has been trying to crawl for wks now. Up on all fours and rocking has been a favorite past time, but now she's doing it in her sleep. Literally! It started with her waking in the morning and rolling over to her tummy. Then to the tummy during diaper changes. Now to the tummy and all fours in the middle of the night. It's almost as if she is sleep walking, except she's sleep rocking. She rolls to her tummy, gets on all fours, starts a rockin', and a few minutes later is crying...eyes closed, stuck on all fours. She finally figured out how to get herself back to her face up position on her own, but I did have to lend a hand the first time. Even I, as an adult, get disoriented and can't think straight in the middle of the night, I'm sure Soph, as a 7-month-old gets out of sorts at 4 a.m. when she discovers she's on her hands and knees. With Eric still sick and Soph and I freshly recovered, we extended our Florida trip to Thursday. It is nice to have help with Soph, so I have a chance to do things like exercise and go to eye doctors, dentists, etc. The family being around us has been such a gift this week. They run baths, make bottles, play with Soph and let me take a nap or exercise, and always help make sure we have something to eat. I'm sure all new moms know the difference it makes to have more than two hands. Not having to spend every down second prepping for the next feeding, washing bottles, and organizing suitcases has been a welcome break and allows me to enjoy her more. The best part is, they are loving every minute of it. We are so grateful Sophie has so many people that love her immeasurably in her life. There is no greater gift. One more great Sophie story about this week. We took her to the Mall at Millenia this week and she could not get enough of the fountain (She is also obsessed with the fountain in downtown Winter Garden too). From her stroller she would wave and say, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.," to all the people coming into the mall. And if they wouldn't say hi, she'd let them know she didn't like it with a little exasperated look and a huff. But she kept bouncing back with a heartfelt, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.," to the next approaching stranger. She's just adorable and gets cuter every day.
P.S. Thank you all for your continued prayers for Eric's health.

Papa Joe plays with Soph.

Great-Granddaddy shows Soph how to look like a sailor.

Soph enjoys her toys at Mia and Papa Joe's house.

She loved hearing the musicians play in the coffee shop in downtown Winter Garden called Axum. (There is lots of care put into this yummy coffee place. Heavenly Toffee Coffee is sooo good. Get it! All the proceeds from this chill place go to produce fresh water in the African city, which is the namesake.)

Tia and Uncle Trey won with this new doorway bouncer. She loves spinning, swinging, and bouncing!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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