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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We are all just a little bit sick around here. Sophie woke up this morning with a bit of a wet cough. Sort of croupy sounding. She had a bout of coughing when she woke up for the day and then again when she woke up from her first nap. I called the doc to get an assessment of whether or not we should bring her in. Their policy, along with all the baby med websites (baby center, kids health, web MD) all state that in order to bring them in they should have a fever over 101degrees, persistent for a week, and a decline in eating. Eric had press the first part of the day today, so we got some baby supplies and lunch when he came back. When he went to work, Anna came over so I could run to the car and get our humidifier and the baby first aid kit. Taking Soph with is not an option because it is 2 degrees out there and I can't exactly leave her in the room. So glad Anna was home tonight. She then helped me take Sophie's temp rectally. It helped to have someone there to distract her and hold down her legs. I'd never taken a rectal temperature before so I was very nervous, especially when I read you can perforate their rectum if you go a bit to far or they wiggle. Yikes! Got it...She has a slight temp of 99.1. After her bath, we did lotion and some baby rub (similar to Vicks) on her chest and the bottoms of her feet. She took her bedtime bottle and a bit of Tylenol and is now asleep. She's coughed a bit in her sleep at first, but I'm praying the humidifier, baby rub, and Tylenol will help. Spending the rest of the night disinfecting toys with wipes. Now to decongest mommy and daddy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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