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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Duck, Duck...Bear!

It was a Sunday here, so two shows again. We decided to check out today and head to Nashville tonight. After checkout, Eric headed to the theatre and Sophie and I headed over to the Peabody to see the famous ducks marching down the red carpet. So the march is more of a run, but it was really neat and I'm glad we saw it. It took all of 30 seconds though.

Soph and I had coffee with Sarah P. and went to the theatre to spend the day listening to the show and watching the Bears game. Eric's dressing room had the only backstage tv, so we set up snacks and had Packers and Bears fans alike, in and out all thru the game. It was a lot of fun...even though we lost:(

Without a hotel today, Soph was going to have to spend her naps in her stroller, fully reclined, and go to sleep there too. The upside is, we got to spend lots of time with daddy that we wouldn't normally get. She took her full nap and went to bed at her normal time. So far, so good! Hopefully, she'll transfer well to Nashville. Praying for a safe drive tonight. It's only 3 hrs and then we get to rest all day tomorrow in Nashville.
In most cities, the cast signs a mural they've (Denny Paschal) made on the backstage walls of the theatres and this is the one they left in Memphis.

On the road again.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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